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+49 (0) 251 590 834 42


Shoogee GmbH & Co. KG
Alter Fischmarkt 11a
48143 Muenster | Germany

About Us

Durovis Dive

The Durovis Dive is the original Virtual Reality smartphone holder for consumers. The device stands for a simple but convincing technical approach to be able to dive into Virtual Reality: You use the processing power and the display of your smartphone instead of implementing electronics into a VR holder. You start the application on your smartphone, insert your mobile, adjust the lenses and you are done.

The basic idea behind the Dive Project: Virtual Reality should become available for many people without a barrier after all, most of us have the 'key' already in their pocket: Their smartphone. The expensive part is already available that makes the Durovis Dive a good value solution for experiencing virtual reality.

The Durovis Dive works with Android or iOS smartphones featuring a gyroscope and an accelerometer and a maximum thickness and width of 15 x 74,6 mm.

There are several Dive-ready games you can find in the 'Dive portal' called Dive Launcher.

Particularly at the beginning games will form the main part of the app pool but it can be assumed that virtual reality will play a big role in many application fields in the future like e.g. architectural simulations or medical use.

Durovis Dive is produced and brought to market by Shoogee, a start-up company with place of business in Muenster, Germany. Stefan Welker, a German software engineer, established the basis for the Durovis Dive. He presented his OpenDive to the public in May 2013 as a free-version for developers, which was well acclaimed in the relevant expert group at an early stage of the Dive project. Together with the OpenDive inventor, Shoogee managed further development of the Open Source solution towards a product for consumer market which was released in November 2013.

The Durovis Dive adds the third dimension to gaming. The feeling of immersion, of being right in the middle is impressive. But to be honest, you can hardly describe virtual reality, you have to experience it yourself.

Shoogee GmbH & Co. KG

In 04/2011 Shoogee GmbH & Co. KG was founded in Muenster, Germany. Shoogee provides IT consulting as well as software development as part of our service portfolio. We develop IT strategies and possible solutions for our customers in order for them to reach their goals fast and in an affordable way. Crowded markets and complex IT environments require a new way of thinking. Our innovative approaches are helping our customers to find and establish futureproof solutions. We ensure economic success with high flexibility and commitment. In addition to our enterprise service portfolio, we develop innovative products and services utilizing our extensive experiences with global supply chains.

Company name Shoogee GmbH & Co. KG
Founded Muenster (Germany) in April 2011
Headquarters Muenster, Germany
Founders/Inventor Arne Voigtlaender, Mike Gerber, Christian Mueller, Sascha Schwellenbach, Stefan Welker
CEO Arne Voigtlaender
Brand names Durovis ®
Products Dive ®
Key Services Enterprise IT Consulting & Security
Consulting and development in network security
Software development
Embedded Systems Development
Smartphone Applications for Durovis Dive
Key Products 3D VR Glasses Dive by Durovis - A 3D Virtual Reality Gaming device for a Smartphone - Print office for ennobled print products
The Team

Press Material

Press coverage

c't - Hacks (3/2013)

Aus einem Smartphone und einem Plastikgestell kann man eine echte Virtual-Reality-Brille wie die Oculus Rift basteln. Die meisten Einzelteile kommen aus dem 3D-Drucker und müssen nur noch zusammengesteckt werden.

c't - magazin für computer technik (Juli 2013)

VR-Brille zum Selbstausdrucken: Ein einfaches Plastikgestell aus dem 3D-Drucker verwandelt das Android-Handy in eine Virtual-Reality-Maschine: Mit der OpenDive-Brille können Sie in virtuellen Welten umherspazieren und sich dank Headtracking frei darin umsehen - in 3D.

Android User (März 2014)

Mithilfe einer einfachen VR-Brille trickst ein beliebiges Android-Handy den menschlichen Wahrnehmungsapparat aus und entführt den Nutzer in virtuelle Realitäten. Wir haben die Durovis Dive getestet.

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You want to get to know the Durovis Dive? Have a look at our information material.

You want to get to know the Durovis Dive? Have a look at our information material.